Thanks to u/CaerBannog for testing this only to confirm his disappointment. Still, it is practical for those who spend their lives on ships, and never needs to be scoured for rust. A Carpenter can be placed in the Thrall slot of the Carpenter's Bench, Improved Carpenter's Bench, Trade Carpenter's Bench or the Precision Carpenter's Bench. Edit 4: I fixed the sheet the link above goes to correctly reflect that Ghamm the Worn does NOT in fact make Zamorian Dancer clothing, despite every other t3 or higher Zamorian armorer in the game being able to. The sturdy leather vest is designed to turn the sharp edges of a saber but will offer little protection against a well-placed thrust. Never mentioned are the sacked coastal towns and slaughtered villagers, left to rot among their broken homes. Never mentioned are the screams of their victims, plucked from burning caravels to be sold in the slave markets of the south. The naval rivalry between Argos and Zingara forms a platform for troubadours to spin tales of Zingaran chivalry on the high seas and romanticize the swashbuckling rogues who fight to preserve Zingaran honor. The flamboyant Zingaran Freebooters are both loved and feared in their home nation.

A pair of boots worn by Zingaran FreebootersĬrafted at Improved Armorer's Bench Description